Monday, July 24, 2006

betweenthelines vs. thesoundsession

the sound session was left in very good hands last week, as i hope you can tell by reviewing james' (betweenthelines) awesome playlist:

the sound session playlist : 07/20/06

artist - song :: album

air - modular mix :: premiers symptoms

american analog set - weather report :: the golden band
tuung - code breaker :: mothers daughter & other songs

ink - carroll park :: reagent specs

function - the wind itself :: the secret miracle fountain
solagget - the discovery :: the delivery

electrelane - gone under sea :: the power out
orange juice - blue boy :: the glasgow school
matmos - steam & sequins for larry levan :: the rose has teeth...

the books - smells like content :: lost & safe
mogwai - new paths to helicon pt 2 :: government commissions
windsor for the derby - the hammer :: confianza ep
brian jonestown massacre - let me stand next to your flower :: bravery repetition & noise

brad mehldau trio - august ending :: house on hill
jon brion - punch-drunk melody :: punch drunk love sndtrk
mojave 3 - most days :: puzzles like you
kaki king - ingots :: legs to make us longer

the caseworker - scene in the viewfinder :: whan I was a young king
languis - i forgot i forgot :: other desert cities ep
unrest - june :: imperial f.f.r.r.
delaney - la nuit on a toujours tort :: s/t

tindersticks - piano song :: tindersticks
sigur ros - hafsol :: hoppipolla ep
david grubbs - hurricane season :: a guess at the riddle

the cinematic orchestra - durian :: motion
