stereolab - wow and flutter - mars audiac quintet
irving - jen, nothing matters to me - death in the garden, blood on the flowers
guided by voices - teenage fbi - human amusements at hourly rates (the best of guided by voices)
grandaddy - i'm on standby - sumday
smile - she's acting - masterlocks ep
dismemberment plan - crush (jennifer page cover) - dismemberment plan/juno split
teddy's cheer club - follow the sun - teddy's cheer club ep
broadcast - michael a grammar - tender buttons
tree wave - machines fall apart - cabana ep
robotanists - wait a minute here - close down the woods

slippers live set + interview!!!
the make-up - they live by night - destination love: live! at cold rice
lemon sun - wanna have you - run with the faithless
sonic youth - incinerate - rather ripped
yo la tengo - today is the day - today is the day ep